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Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC Learning Center

Disaster Assistance

At Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC (CMS) we recognize that federally-declared, major natural disasters can cause our customers significant personal and financial hardship and that recovering from such disasters may often be difficult. In response to such catastrophic events and to meet the needs of our valued customers, CMS has a program that evaluates, on a case-by-case basis, each affected customer's situation and eligibility for potential, individually-tailored relief. CMS customers who have been forced to evacuate their personal residence or whose homes have been damaged or destroyed as a result of a federally-declared, major natural disaster, may contact CMS to determine if they qualify for any of the following payment relief and other customer accommodations:

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Not Receiving Statements

If you are not receiving statements, we would recommend verifying your statement delivery preferences in your online account to ensure you have not opted into receiving them electronically. To view or change your current preferences, please follow the steps below:

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Third Party Authorization

To add an authorized party to discuss the details of your loan, please complete the form online by logging into your account and clicking “Third Party Authorization” on the left-hand side of the page. Be sure to include your loan number and a password identifier that will be used for the third party. If you are submitting via mail or fax, please make sure to include signatures of all borrowers on the loan.

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Managing Your Loan Documents

Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC offers quick and easy access to your Billing and Tax Documents online at any time. You can view a variety of statements, including your mortgage, escrow, HELOC (if applicable), 1099 and 1098. Log into your account and click “Billing and Tax Documents” to view and manage your documents.

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