Starting 2023 off Strong

With 2023 just around the corner, it’s a great time to think about your resolutions for the New Year. If you’re having trouble coming up with a realistic list of goals and resolutions, here are some ideas below:
Budgeting for the upcoming year can seem like a tedious task but helps put you in a great position to look long-term at how you’d like to spend and save. Whether it’s planning for that family vacation or that kitchen renovation you’ve been dreaming about since you moved in, sitting down to map out your budget and timeline to accomplish your goals is a great way to begin 2023.
Renovating/Maintaining your Home
A new year is the perfect time to take inventory of your home appliances, plan renovations, and set up an effective cleaning routine.
Once your financial plan is solidified, you can take the necessary steps to update and renovate your home. With our handy checklist, you can determine which items need updating – from Air filters to Exterior paint – so everything runs smoothly in 2023. Prioritize according to importance - such as getting a professional dryer vent cleaning. Timing is key too; while kitchen renovations or updating your bathroom are usually doable during any time of year, tasks like having HVAC systems replaced should be done during warmer months when weather conditions allow it.
Breaking down cleaning into smaller tasks ensures you will end each day with an accomplished feeling. If you have a trash pick-up service, clean up the kitchen and go through your fridge before taking out recycling and trash the day prior. Delegate time in the week to declutter kitchen counters, organize cupboards, scrub floors, and give bathrooms a refresh.
We hope you have a wonderful end of 2022, and we cannot wait to see where you go in 2023!