Fixing Credit Issues Before You Apply

Before you apply for a home loan, you may want to look at how to fix credit issues you may be facing. One of the key things a lender looks at when considering you as a viable mortgage candidate is your credit history – and they like to see stability. Fixing credit for a home loan is smart. Start by pulling your credit before you apply so you know what you’re dealing with – and have the opportunity to address any issues that may derail your loan application.
But as you’re working with a lender, you may be asked to address some blemishes that may still linger on your report, even if you’ve worked hard to improve your score and remove anything that may have been derailing it. When it comes to your lender, honesty is the best policy – especially when it comes to applying for your loan. The more honest you are, the better, more comprehensive picture both you and your lender can get on what you can truly afford. And that can help you budget accordingly.
You’ll also want to continue to take care of any revolving debt you may have, proving that you’re capable of responsibly managing your bills. But most importantly, don’t add to your debt – at least, not until after you’ve closed on your home. Opening new lines of credit and changing your debt-to-income ratio raises red flags for lenders. It’s wise just to sit tight for a while before you start adding on to your expenses.
If your credit still isn’t stable enough for you to secure a loan, don’t fret – it’s a temporary setback, and it actually works in your favor. This is because it gives you some extra time to get your financial health in perfect working order, ensuring you’re in a better, more stable position before applying. Keep working on getting your credit in order by making timely payments, working to get negatives removed from your reports, and proving that you’re a viable candidate for a loan.
Also, it’s smart to have different types of credit, such as revolving credit, installment loans and the like. It can help show you to be someone who can actively manage credit. It’s okay to add new credit to your report if you’re working on strengthening your credit, so long as it’s a year before you officially apply for your loan. Just make sure it’s something you can keep on top of, and continue to be responsible with.