Private Job Creations, Oil and Rates Fall
It was another wild week in the financial markets with interest rates backing away from the highest levels in decades. Let's discuss what happened and look at the news to watch for this coming week.
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It was another wild week in the financial markets with interest rates backing away from the highest levels in decades. Let's discuss what happened and look at the news to watch for this coming week.
This past week interest rates touched the highest levels in decades. Let's discuss what happened and see what to watch for as the 4th Quarter begins.
This past week home loan rates remain elevated despite consumer inflation being reported slightly lower than expected. Let's discuss what happened and look at the week ahead.
Last week in Review: Good Economic News is Bad News for Rates
Interest rates continued their sideways trend as we close the first half of 2023. Let's discuss what happened last week and look into the future.
We kicked off 2023 with our credit score mini-series where we covered the components that make up your score and are back with more!
Home loan rates have ticked higher week to week but some bad economic news halted the rise. Let's discuss what happened and look ahead into next week.
Last week home loan rates remained steady and near their best levels in six months. Let's discuss what happened and the technical factors that are limiting further rate improvement.
Last Week in Review: Dark Clouds Helping Rates
Like homes, mortgages come in many shapes and sizes. Down payments*** can run from zero (0%) in some instances to 3% and all the way to 20% or more.