Spring Cleaning 101

It’s officially the start of spring, which means it’s time to start planning how to get your home into tip-top shape for this spring and summer. Cleaning your home can feel like a time-consuming task, but here are some tips and tricks to break your house down into smaller, manageable chunks for a stress-free spring cleaning this year:
Make a Schedule
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your house doesn’t need to be spotless in one either! Break your cleaning down into a schedule that works for you, whether by task or room. Spreading your list of to-dos out over time will help you not only feel less overwhelmed but also more productive.
Always Clean From Top to Bottom
You always want to begin from the ceiling – it forces any debris downward and prevents you from needing to re-clean the spaces you’ve already worked so hard to freshen up. Once you’ve done ceilings, you can move onto countertops, furniture, and then the floor.
Kitchen and Bathroom
Kitchens and bathrooms can seem especially daunting because of how often we use these two rooms in our homes, but here are some important spots to remember to clean in those areas:
- Go through your pantry and fridge, throw away anything expired, and wipe down any and all surfaces
- Use your oven’s self-cleaning function to get rid of baked-on grime. If your oven doesn’t have this feature, you can use a wet cloth and oven cleaning solution instead
- Change or clean your shower curtain liner – we recommend using white vinegar and baking soda to get rid of any water stains or mildew from being inside the tub
Don’t Forget Walls and Windows!
It’s easy to get bogged down by vacuuming, closet organization, or more significant cleaning tasks, but your walls and windows are equally as important. All you need to do is wipe down your walls with a damp towel, and take some window cleaner to the inside and outside of your windows!