Help Your Yard Transition to Fall

As the days start cooling down, now is the perfect time to help your yard or garden transition into the fall season and ultimately into the cold winter months. Fall-blooming perennials are always a great choice, but be mindful that any perennials you choose need to be able to withstand winters according to your Hardiness Zone. If you’re looking to give your space a fall boost, try one of these beautiful flowers or plants:
Goldenrod. The bright yellow blooms of goldenrod are perfect for fall and can bloom from late August to early October.
Aster. Available in purple, blue, white and pink, Asters are late bloomers and perfect for your garden’s transition from summer to fall.
Oakleaf Hydrangeas. The oakleaf variety of Hydrangeas have bright autumn-colored leaves.
Black-Eyed Susan. Black-eyed Susan can be a perennial or annual, depending on where you buy it, and the bright, cheerful flower is perfect for fall.
Chokeberry. Chokeberry is a bush that boasts stunning autumn colors, and blooms flowers in the spring (Aronia).
Helenium. Also known as sneezeweed, Helenium is a vibrant plant that attracts butterflies.
Sweet Autumn Clematis. This climbing vine blooms from summer to fall, and it’s sweet scent makes it a great addition to your patio.
To see the full list of fall flowers and plants to plant, click here.
Even if you’re not a big gardener, it’s still a good idea to use the last bit of warm weather to prep your yard for winter. Here are a few tips on ways you can prep your landscape for the upcoming colder months.