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Summer Heat Safety for Your Family and Furry Friends

Summer bringsssun-drenched days and high temperatures, and it's essential to take proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of your loved ones—including your furry companions. Here are some reminders to help you navigate the summer heat and keep everyone comfortable and safe.  

Stay Hydrated 

  • For Humans: Remember to drink plenty of water! Aim for at least eight glasses a day to stay hydrated. You can also incorporate hydrating fruits and vegetables into your diet, like watermelon, cucumbers and oranges. 
  • For Pets: Ensure your pets have constant access to clean, fresh water. If you’re traveling, remember to bring a portable water bowl. 

Outdoor Safety 

  • For Humans: Avoid intense physical activities during the hottest part of the day, typically between 10 am and 4 pm. Before heading out in the sun, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends reapplying every two hours, but you may need to reapply more often for certain situations. Don’t forget to apply it to the tops of your feet, ears, any scalp that’s showing and the back of your neck. Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics like linen or cotton to help you stay cool. A hat is also a practical and stylish way to keep the direct sun off your face and head. 
  • For Pets: Hot pavement can burn your pet’s paws. Walk your pets during cooler times, such as early morning or late evening. When they are enjoying the outdoors, ensure your pets have access to shaded areas. Also watch for signs of overheating in pets, such as excessive panting, drooling or lethargy. If you suspect heat stress, move your pet to a cooler area immediately and offer water. 

Staying Cool Indoors 

  • For Humans: Keep your home cool with fans, air conditioning or evaporative coolers. Reduce indoor temperatures by closing blinds and curtains to block direct sunlight during peak hours. 
  • For Pets: Indoors isn’t just at home, but in a car or enclosed space too. Remember to provide cool areas for your pets to rest. Never leave your pets in parked cars or other enclosed spaces, as temperatures can rise dangerously high within minutes. Even in 70° weather, the internal temperature of your car can rise to 90° within ten minutes. 

Home Maintenance Tips for Summer Heat 

What about your home? Your home is your respite, so help keep it cool with a well-maintained air conditioning system!  

  • Regular Servicing: Have your AC unit serviced before peak summer months to ensure it’s running efficiently. 
  • Clean filters: Replace air filters every 1-2 months to maintain good airflow and system performance. 
  • Check insulation: Ensure your home is well-insulated to keep the cool air in and the hot air out.  
  • Inspect windows and doors: Replace worn weather stripping and fix any gaps to keep a tight seal.  

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your summer is filled with joy and safety for your entire family, including your furry friends. Stay cool, stay hydrated, and most importantly, stay safe! Enjoy the summer! 

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